
Assistant Director
Romeo and Juliet
by Charles Gounod
Margaret Jumonville, Associate Director
Matthew Ozawa, Director
Christopher Franklin, Conductor
Performed with Minnesota Opera at The Ordway Music Theater
St. Paul, MN
November 4 - 10, 2024
Costume Design: Sarah Bahr
Scenic Design: William Boles
Lighting Design: Paul Whitaker
Hair and Makeup Designer: Priscilla Bruce
Fight Director: Mason Tyer
Intimacy Director: Tom Ringberg
Choreographer: James Sewell
Photography: Ken Howard
Specific Responsibilities
Assist Associate Director Margaret Jumonville in all rehearsals, tech work sessions, and production meetings
Run cover rehearsals for leads and supervise the coverage of chorus tracks and scenic changes for a 35-person chorus.
Review blocking with chorus members and leads when necessary.
Supervise daily fight calls, lift calls, and intimacy check-ins, collaborating with the fight director and intimacy director
Create and maintain the production blocking book; the critical coro document; cheat sheets for supernumeraries, dancers, chorus, and fighters; intimacy and fight tracking; and bows list to be used in future rentals of Romeo and Juliet through Minnesota Opera.
Ensure consistency in the production book and paperwork with formerly mounted productions of Matthew Ozawa's Romeo and Juliet to maintain a successful remount.
Distribute daily notes to chorus and principals.
Stage final bows.
View paperwork samples of the AD Production Book, the Chorus Cheat Sheet/Critical Coro, and the Intimacy/Fight Breakdown

Mab, la reine des mensonges
Performed by Charles Eaton
Ô jour de deuil
Performed by the Minnesota Opera Chorus
Roméo! Qu'astu-donc?
Performed by Jasmine Habersham and Evan LeRoy Johnson